Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Celebrating the Joy!

Celebrate each day and each blessing! Make each gift of God the BIG picture in your mind and each distraction or disturbance tiny. Be amazed at His goodness in the midst of chaos and realize He is here and He is God. These are pictures of my kids: my DS on His college graduation day and my DD dressed for prom with her date. Aren't they wonderful?

Isn't the day bright and the moment special? Miracles happen every day and God is about miracles in every circumstance. Take time to rest in His goodness today, won't you?


  1. Thanks, Kim, for the wonderful encouragement early in the morning!

  2. Great photo's Kim, thanks for showing them to us. x

  3. Stunning photo's of your children - no wonder you are celebrating. Many thanks for sharing them with us.

  4. I love reading your blog and so admire you faith! Your young 'uns are gorgeous - congrats!!!

  5. Wow congrats Kim!! What a pair of milestone pics these are!

  6. A very proud mum and quite rightly too. Goergeous photos. Sue :o)

  7. Love the pics! No matter what is going on in your life - there is ALWAYS a bright spot God has provided us...just gotta look for it...its the only thing that has kept me going... Your "bright spots" are adorable and they photograph well!

  8. Love the pics! No matter what is going on in your life - there is ALWAYS a bright spot God has provided us...just gotta look for it...its the only thing that has kept me going... Your "bright spots" are adorable and they photograph well!

  9. Hi Kim,
    The photos are great and your children are beautiful. Hope your mother is doing well.


  10. I imagine you are SO proud of your two beautiful children!

    I love how your daughter's prom date's tux and bow tie match her dress.

  11. Beautiful photos!! God is always there for us.


Please leave comments for me! I love to hear from you! Have a blessed day!! :)